‘Destiny’ Dev Brings Microtransactions For Level Boosters, Bungie Bounty Yields Special Emblem Rewards

| Dec 16, 2015 12:24 AM EST

More contents can be expected by “Destiny” game enthusiasts this year.

"Destiny" fans can go the easier paid route to level up in the game. The option is now available for both North America and U.K. fans.

The microtransactions will cost fans $29.99 in order to raise the character level to 25, Polygon reported. The paid upgrade can be used for all three classes in "Destiny."

This is not the first time that developer Bungie has allowed players to go through a shortcut method in "Destiny." According to the source, there was a previous level booster that offered the same boost for one character. At the same time, it had leveled up the weapons accordingly. This came at the start of the launch of "The Taken King" DLC.

For those who are new to "Destiny," this may seem like an investment to reach the current cap level, which is 40. However, this paid boost may actually not be the best thing for everyone. Considering the change in the leveling system, the grind comes after level 25, which means that the player will still need to grind all the way up. What's more, just like other games, the first few levels are not as hard as the latter ones, so it may be better to start the grind at the beginning.

Still, it is the choice of players, and the benefit could be to level up instantaneously. Bungie does offer a couple of new events for higher level Guardians. One such case is the Bungie Bounty, happening on Dec.16, 6 to 8 p.m. PST. The event is exclusive to PS4 players only, and it will yield some cool rewards, Bungie announced over its official blog.

The event will revolve around the seasonal event Sparrow Racing League. Players who face off against a Bungie developer in the process and are able to beat them can get a special emblem. As a bigger challenge, some of the Bungie employees joining the Bungie event have been part of the development process of the Sparrow Racing League.

Those who will not be able to participate in the event can still check out all the action via the livestream on Twitch. Xbox One players need not worry, as a similar event will be held sometime later this month before the Sparow Racing League event is finished.

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