Beijing to Create Blacklist for Rowdy Travelers

| Dec 25, 2015 05:31 AM EST

Aircraft are seen at the Beijing Capital International Airport on Nov. 23, 2015.

Tourists who behave badly and threaten security at the Beijing Capital International Airport may soon be placed on a blacklist that can affect their future travel plans to China’s capital and the rest of the country.

Beijing's Commission of Tourism Development has entered an agreement with the airport's security contractor on Wednesday, under which a system will be set up to record individuals who violate airport regulations.

The penalties for violators will also be announced soon, the Beijing-based China Daily newspaper said in a report citing airport staff.

Yu Debin, deputy director of Beijing's tourism commission, said that the agreement aims to improve tourists' behavior, increase safety awareness and help speed up customs clearance procedures.

The number of outbound tourists from Beijing has been rising at the airport, making the introduction of these measures more important and necessary, he added.

A tourist credit system is already being implemented in the commission's website, wherein bad behavior by local residents or visitors in the capital is recorded.

The most frequent violations include hiding cigarette lighters during security checks and disobeying orders of security personnel, an official from the airport's security firm told China Daily.

"Some hide lighters in their shoes," the official added.

Earlier in December, the China National Tourism Administration issued a blacklist for five tourists for causing chaos on a flight and assaulting a tour guide and a convenience store employee in Japan.

Several travel agencies have already expressed their support of the blacklist.

"We will accept tourists in accordance with the administration's requirements, and tourists blacklisted for bad behavior won't be accepted," said Ma Bin, deputy general manager at the Beijing branch of Phoenix Travel Worldwide Co.

According to the tourism commission, the daily passenger flow at the Beijing Capital International Airport currently stands at 230,000.

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