3 Ways To Stay Clearheaded On New Year

| Dec 29, 2015 06:52 AM EST

People lit fireworks to celebrate New Year.

New Year is fast approaching and it is assumed that many people will give a toast to celebrate 2016. Here are some tips to stay sober on New Year's Eve.

1. Rehearse Saying No

Staying away from alcohol is challenging to those people who are already addicted to the drink. Factors such tense work relationship as well as family dynamics rise and play a role.

Tim Myers, 34, told Miami Herald that when he had been first getting sober, he would have gone home for Chritmas. He added that the struggle had not been always with the alcohol and while it had been a big part of it, the struggle had been with his family members and old friends.

With Myers' case, one of the things he could do is to rehearse saying no. Doing such will help a person refuse to drink alcohol naturally. It is also important to not feel pressured to explain the reason behind the refusal. To add, one just needs to be graceful and firm for other people to understand that not everyone wants to drink during the holidays.

2. Communicate With Others

Another way to stay sober on New Year is to maintain a flow of conversation with others. Since family members need to adapt a set of challenges when they have a member who had been struggling with alohol addiction, open communication within the family is vital to define issues and provide resolution.

in addition, having a conversation with others at a party will preoccupy one's mind and divert a person's attention from alcoholic drinks to logical discussions, such as societal issues.

3. Drink Moderately

For some people who can drink alcohol, it should be done in moderation and intake should be monitored. According to McAlester News-Capital, drinking alcohol excessively could have lethal effects to the body, so it is best to pay attention to how much one and other people are consuming.

New Year marks the beginning of a new life and as an exciting time, one is assumed to reflect on his new resolutions.

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