'Doctor Strange' Rumors: Marvel Studios Tease Eye Of Agamotto Could Be An Infinity Stone [VIDEO]; Mads Mikkelsen To Play Dormmamu In The Film?

| Jan 01, 2016 02:42 AM EST

Doctor Strange is an upcoming superhero film produced by Marvel Studios starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Rachel McAdams, Michael Stuhlbarg, Mads Mikkelsen, and Tilda Swinton.

New details for "Doctor Strange" film will likely feature Mads Mikkelsen playing the villain Dormmamu and a new Infinity Stone within the movie.

It was in the latest issue of Entertainment Magazine that comic book fans saw "Sherlock" star Benedict Cumberbatch delving into the role of Doctor Stephen Strange, complete with his iconic comic book costume, magical abilities and the Eye of Agamotto.

"Doctor Strange" will be feature in phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and it will feature the origins of Stephen Strange (Cumberbatch), a brilliant but arrogant neurosurgeon who is involve in a car accident that severed his hands. He then sets out on a journey to rediscover himself and after an encounter with the Ancient One (Tilda Swinton), he became a student of the magical arts and discovers a new calling.

Upon the release of the Entertainment Magazine issue, several fans speculated that the Eye of Agamatto could be something else rather than just a powerful artifact. In the comics, the Eye of Agamatto is one of the few magical items that Doctor Strange uses in his spells.

However, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige hinted that the artifact itself could be an Infinity Stone as explained that the eye is so powerful, it will be dangerous if fallen to the wrong hands and it can manipulate any probability, even time, Screenrant reported. With Feige hinting "time" in his explanation, fans quickly assumed that the Eye of Agamatto is MCU's version of the Time Stone.

The Infinity Stones will play a huge role in phase 3 as the Mad Titan Thanos seeks every Infinity Stone in order to complete his Infinity Gauntlet and rule the universe using it. Four Infinity Stones are already present in the movies; The Mind Stone, Space Stone/Tesseract, Reality Stone/the Aether and the Power Stone. The Time Stone and Soul Stone are not yet shown on many Marvel Studios film, but they were featured in the "Avengers: Infinity War" teaser two years ago.

In other news, new details for Mads Mikkelsen's role in "Doctor Strange" the movie have been revealed.

Feige told Entertainment Weekly that the "Hannibal" TV series star will play a sorcerer who breaks off into his own sect from the Ancient One.

It is first speculated that Mikkelsen could be Doctor Strange mortal nemesis Baron Mordo until "12 Years a Slave" star Chiwetel Ejiofor and stated that his character is neither good or evil. Other speculations reveal that Mikkelson could be the demonic Dormmamu or the Doctor Druid, another disciple of the Ancient One who has turned into villainy, but redeemed himself into a hero in the comics.

So far, Marvel has not yet made a comment regarding Mikkelson's character in the film and fans will have to wait for more details from them soon.

"Doctor Strange" will be in cinemas on Nov. 4.

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