The Nearest Alien Neighbors: Habitable Planet 'Incredibly Close' On Earth Discovered

| Jan 03, 2016 08:38 AM EST

A view of earth from space

A possibly inhabitable planet near the planet earth had been discovered by an Australian team of scientists.

Wolf 1061c, the inhabitable planet near planet earth, with a distance of 14 light years away from our planet. The Telegraph said that Wolf 1061c would be about a third closer than that of the nearest planet.

The potentially inhabitable world was found in 2013. Moreover, astronomers and scientists said that the planet is "an incredibly close object," the report said.

In an interview with the University of New South Wales' Duncan Wright in ABC, he said that the potentially inhabitable world called the Wolf 1061c, regarded as the middle planet, orbits a habitable zone referred to as the "Goldilocks zone."

The zone, according to report, might be a part where liquid water could be found and life, in this habitable zone, may occur.

The team had discovered the three planets in which all of them are rocky similar to earth's features. Independent said that, although the three planets possess common earthly features, Wolf1061c, the middle planet, is potential for life existence.

The difficulty of inhabitable planet research is on its distance from the our home as some of them are thousands of light years away from earth, but the report said that Wolf 1061c is close enough to do research and findings on its possible life.

Astrophysical Journal Letter will release the full research about the "incredibly close" inhabitable planet.

Watch the video by GeoBeats News on YouTube about the potentially habitable planet which was found just 14 light years away from our planet.

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