Windows 95 OS Run On Nintendo 3DS In Eerie Emulation

| Jan 03, 2016 11:30 PM EST

Windows 95

Microsoft's Windows 95 operating system has just been demonstrated running on a Nintendo 3DS portable game console. A GBATemp user was able to get a two decade-old Microsoft OS to run on the newest Nintendo hardware device.

GBATemp fan Shutterbug2000 accomplished the DOSbox emulation, according to Engadget. The applications will be limited as Windows 95 was not developed for touchscreens and analog sticks a couple of decades ago, but the conversion works on a basic level.

The Windows 95 platform could be used to play old-school Windows games on the new 3DS console. It could also result in hackers running the same ancient OS on the original 3DS unit, according to Kotaku.

Engadget points out that it might be challenging to run any software on 3DS besides the operating system. However, many tech experts have observed that seeing the Windows 95 home screen appear makes the hack quite amazing.

Windows 95 was released in August 1995. The new OS was a major upgrade from previous Windows versions as it combined MS-DOS and Windows products.

Another big factor of Windows 95 was the major marketing campaign that was launched. Some of the most notable new features of the OS were the taskbar and 'Start' button.

A commercial featuring the 1981 Rolling Stones single "Start Me Up" was one of the main advertising campaigns Microsoft used to launch the new OS. The price tag of the Windows 95 ad campaign was $300 million.

Windows 95 was followed up by Windows 98. Tech support for the older OS ended on Dec. 31, 2001.

Here's a retro Windows 95 commercial:

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