Livestream Movi Offers Multi-Camera Setup For Smartphone

| Jan 04, 2016 05:53 AM EST

Livestream Movi helps the users to achieve professional-looking video by pairing the device with an easy-to-use iOS app.

Livestream has launched Movi camera, offering an equivalent of a multi-camera team into a single device, all controlled from the companion smartphone app.

Movi camera offers the ability to professionally pan, zoom, and cut back and forth between multiple virtual cameras but all with just a single, small device. It is designed as a livestreaming camera and users can make the editing decisions on the fly.

The device itself is small, making it possible to toss in a small handbag or slide it into a pocket if desired. It is a cylinder, with the lens occupying the majority of one side, and an internal microphone below it. The whole thing measures is a 2-inch diameter cylinder standing 2.5-inches tall, and weighs 4.6 ounces.

It includes accessories to mount it on a microphone stand or a tripod, so user can set it at a steady location to record a conference, soccer game, school play, or the like, PC Mag reported. 

Livestream’s first consumer camera helps the users to achieve professional-looking results by pairing the device with an easy-to-use iOS app that allows smooth transition between different angles and focal points as the stream is being captured. The camera has a 150-degree wide-angle lens and 4K native resolution, and a support for virtual pan and zoom as well, according to Slash Gear

Inside, there is a digital image stabilization, and the ability to use a microphone in the iOS device as an external audio source over WiFi. Connectivity includes WiFi a/b/g/n (2.4/5GHz) and Bluetooth LE 4.0, the latter used for initial setup. A 16GB microSD card is included for local recording, and a microUSB port too.

The Movi goes on sale in April with the white and black color variations. The pre-order price is $199, but it will increase to $399 when it comes to retail.

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