Campaign Chairman Gets Hillary Clinton Committed To Investigate Area 51 & Help Find Truth About Aliens

| Jan 05, 2016 03:20 AM EST

Hillary Clinton Attends Des Moines Campaign Organizing Event

During a Q&A with the editorial staff of New Hampshire-based Conway Sun Daily, former State Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton shares that John Podesta, her campaign chairman, had her promise to investigate Area 51.

The controversial U.S. Air Force facility in Nevada allegedly has evidence of the existence of alien life but is hiding it from the public. Clinton says in agreeing to a probe, she wants to help find the truth about aliens whose existence Podesta believes, reports CNET.

While her husband, former U.S. President Bill Clinton, told TV host Jimmy Kimmel in April that he does not find the idea of aliens have visited Earth and checked out its inhabits as not surprising, the presidential aspirant likewise does not discount the possibility, although she adds a safe reply to a reporter that "We don't know for sure."

However, while Clinton may be tentative when it comes to aliens and UFOs, she is sure about wanting to defeat a threat from foreign invaders of the U.S. - the Islamic State or Daesh. Speaking to students at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, Clinton says Americans have a right to be fearful in the current environment.

But at the same time, she accuses Republican candidates Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio of inciting fear and criticized Donald Trump's proposal to prohibit Muslim immigration. She points out that "Bluster and bigotry are not credentials for becoming commander-in-chief."

She favors stricter screening of visa applicants who had previously traveled to area controlled by the IS in the last five years. But she stresses that it is also important to work closely with Muslim-American communities in the U.S.

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