• Lebron James

Lebron James (Photo : Reuters/ Kim Klement-USA TODAY Sports)

Another controversial statement was released by Stephen A Smith concerning LeBron James.

Smith is arguably the most colorful sportscaster right now. Some of his claims have been refuted directly by the subject, most notable of which is his declaration that Kevin Durant has the LA Lakers as his "top priority" in free agency. This led to Durant accusing Smith of being a liar.

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That incident did not seem to hinder Smith one bit. He stood by his claim and his sources, though they were unnamed.

Now, he takes on LeBron James in another possible shocker. Ty Duffy of The Big Lead posted the soundbite.

"One of the things LeBron's inner circle religiously says is that, 'Yeah, he's back, but don't you think for one second that he's going to sit idly by and watch the franchise take him for granted and put too much excess weight on his shoulders the way that they used to when he was in Cleveland the first go-round. Think that he's permanently going to stay in Cleveland if you want to. Do not try him,'" Stephen A Smith said, paraphrasing what has been told to him.

Smith continued on what LeBron's "associates" told him: "'Yes, he is committed to trying to bring a championship back to Cleveland. And it does seem to be something that he would never do again. But don't rule anything out when it comes to LeBron James.'"

Smith then clarifies: "I'm not saying this. I'm telling you specifically what I was told by people close to him, and I've been told that for months."

The conclusion: "What everybody close to him continuously reminds me of is, 'Don't you dare take this guy for granted or think for one second he's trapped into staying in Cleveland just because he came back. Don't put it past him to get so annoyed that he'll leave again if he feels like he's being taken for granted, ran into the ground and essentially misused.' That's what they say." (h/t NBC)

There is a general sentiment that LeBron James would never even think of leaving Cleveland again as it would be career suicide and this is what this claim dispels. This is simply a warning that the King would demand a constant commitment from the front office to win a championship.

It would not be enough that they placed two All-Stars with him and owner Dan Gilbert loosened the purse strings and marched beyond the luxury tax threshold. James wants to make sure the Cavs ownership is on the same page as he is-working every game to win a title.

Also, he just wants to reiterate that no King is ever taken hostage.