• Kevin Durant and Blake Griffin

Kevin Durant and Blake Griffin (Photo : Stephen Dunn / Getty Images Sport)

With just a few exceptions, teams in the NBA will have cap space to offer a max contract to free agents like Kevin Durant.

The LA Clippers is one of those few exceptions which is quite a shame to some because Durant could make the Clippers instant contenders (if they aren't already).

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There is one thing in common between Durant and the Clippers-one of their conference rivals. They both fell short of their goal for this season.

One of the more interesting proposals floated during the trade deadline was a possible offseason deal that involved Kevin Durant in a sign-and-trade deal that would bring him to the Clippers and send Blake Griffin to Oklahoma as a consolation prize.

While that blockbuster transaction is unlikely, the intrigue centered on how Durant would be a much better fit for the Clippers. Unfortunately, the Clippers could not be candidates for KD and the OKC Thunder would probably not trade Durant-even under those circumstances. But David Aldridge of NBA.com has another way.

Aldridge explored trading Griffin to Boston, who he mentioned as Danny Ainge's "dream target." But the Clippers may balk at just draft picks in return.

 "It's hard to imagine Paul and Jordan would be down for starting over with the likes of Dragan Bender or California freshman Jaylen Brown trying to replace Griffin's scoring, passing and rebounding," Aldridge said, but he explained it could be part of a plan.

"On the other hand ... dealing Griffin to Boston for two Lottery picks -- assuming Brooklyn doesn't shock the world next season -- and a couple of non-Thomas Celtics on their rookie deals would leave the Clips with enough cap room to pursue Durant in free agency."

Griffin has been the face of the franchise since the Clippers landed the no.1 pick in 2009 to acquire him. They passed on other significant talents like James Harden and Steph Curry. Blake got injured and was not able to play on his draft year but played as a rookie in the 2010-11 season. He proved to be worth the wait as he took Rookie of the Year honors.

However, despite playing with arguably the best pure point guard in the league, the Clips have failed to make it past the second round of the playoffs. The Clips need to upgrade and there's only one way to do that, as Dan Woike of the Orange County Register stated.

"Any path to getting Durant almost certainly means trading Griffin, Paul or Jordan, and that's a cost the Clippers probably would, and probably should, pay," Woike stated. "It remains a long shot and it can get a little complicated. But long shots and complications, they're all worth it if it means the story changes."

Doc Rivers would know. He was the coach of the 2008 Boston Celtics champion team-a roster borne from one complicated, high-risk offseason maneuvering.