• Dean Ambrose will miss some time after No Mercy to film his second movie for WWE Studios.

Dean Ambrose will miss some time after No Mercy to film his second movie for WWE Studios. (Photo : YouTube/Üşengeç Oyuncu)

  • Dean Ambrose WWE

Dean Ambrose WWE (Photo : Photo: YouTube)

After eventually winning the WWE World Heavyweight title,it's time now to really boost Dean Ambrose's character 'The Lunatic gimmick' is good and entertaining for the fans, but maybe it's time for a change?  The only reason why I say that is because of Dean's current image is in danger of getting old and dare I say boring. 

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How so? I hear you ask, this is the same Dean Ambrose who would get cheered when 'The Guy' Roman Reigns would get booed and yes this is the same Dean Ambrose who would excel in any match given to him. 

Solid in the ring and an excellent performer in terms if mic skills, the man from Cincinnati,Ohio should be given a chance to succeed in the WWE, a fair crack of the whip if you will. 

Currently, Ambrose is feuding with AJ Styles, as good as that feud is in my humble opinion, I just feel this feud needs a new direction to it. Maybe add someone into the 'main event' picture such as 'The Viper' Randy Orton.

The former 12 time WWE Champion has never really been involved in a feud with Ambrose other than when both men were in their respective 'stables' (Evolution and The Shield respectively). 

That's where I can't help but feel, WWE creative have really missed a trick, but where credit is credit is due, the creative team have got very little wrong in terms of creative decisions since Smackdown and Raw became 'their own brands'. 

It's hard to criticise a show that has been winning the rating wars, but what I will say is that both Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns have achieved some success since being singles competitors. 

That;s not to say Dean Ambrose hasn't, The Lunatic Fringe has won the US title, Intercontinental title and of course now the WWE World Heavyweight Title. 

The WWE ruined good wrestling talents like Damien Sandow and 'Bad News Barret' with poor bookings, as a very passionate WWE fan, I really hope the WWE don't do this here. 

If the recent few weeks is anything to go by, WWE seem to have the 'situation' under control, but my feelings are still there, Dean Ambrose could do with a slight tweak in character. 

The great 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin had a few 'heel turns' and he is widely seen as one of the best wrestlers to ever step foot in the WWE. Dean Ambrose could be set for the same kind of status, but the creative team need to make sure they get this right. 

Ambrose is set to take some time off from the WWE screens to film his second movie for WWE studios, so the creative have plenty of time to get this right.