President Trump
(Photo : Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay )

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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President Donald Trump said Monday that he had a "friendly" and "wonderful, warm" conversation with former Vice President Joe Biden regarding the worldwide COVID-19 outbreak.

"We had a really wonderful, warm conversation. It was a very nice conversation," Trump told reporters at a regular White House briefing regarding coronavirus pandemic Monday evening.

The phone call between Trump and Biden, who is likely the running democratic candidate for the 2020 presidential election, finally happened after several days of Twitter taunts. Both of them spoke for over 15 minutes regarding the measures to combat the coronavirus in the country.

"He gave me his point of view, and I fully understood that. We just had a very friendly conversation. It was really good, really nice. I appreciate his calling," Trump said.

The same was later confirmed by the former Vice President when his campaign issued a statement painting a similar picture.

"Vice President Biden and President Trump had a good call. VP Biden shared several suggestions for actions the Administration can take now to address the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and expressed his appreciation for the spirit of the American people in meeting the challenges facing the nation," campaign spokesperson Kate Bedingfield wrote.

Biden, who has been critical of the way Trump has handled the coronavirus outbreak, had offered to speak about the country's strategy to the President last week. Trump had told reporters then that he would take the call, The Hill reported.

However, Trump did not let out any specifics about their call stating that they had agreed not to discuss the content of their conversation.

"He had suggestions. It doesn't mean that I agree with those suggestions but certainly, he had suggestions, and I also told him some of the things we're doing. But the conversation was a friendly, very friendly conversation," Trump further added.

Trump had earlier taunted Biden in a tweet regarding the latter's proposal to hold a virtual Democratic National Convention in the summer and also asking him as to why he wasn't invited.