• SimCity

SimCity (Photo : Facebook)

The creator of SimCity Will Wright has made a new app called Thred, which allows users to create a graphic novel of their lives. It is a collection of data and content ranging from photos, games and locations which are merged together to create an unique browsing experience.

It is named Thred because each thread of the app interlinks with other threads, which in turn leads to other stories and images. Users can also edit the threads and add their own experiences to it in order to make it more comprehensive.

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Each aspect of the app is like of a rabbit-hole, which links to the other rabbit-holes and forms a picturesque graphic novel, according to Tech Crunch.

"Really the idea is, we're trying to collect all the data from peoples' individual lives, the stuff that's potentially accessible by [my phone]," Wright said. "And we want to turn the data into something you want to share, and link to other peoples' stuff. It has this structure of the Web, but in a format that i think is far more accessible and createable [sic] on a mobile device."

Famous for his tongue-in-cheek humor and his creative ideas, the SimCity's creator loves to create comic-books based on his own real-life experiences and shows them off to his staff, according to Forbes.

Wright said that all the data is out there like the pictures, locations that one went to and this app can be used to create a substantial graphic novel out of it.

All the parameters are merged beautifully to create the final product in such a way that one is enticed to share it with the others, which subsequently would lead to even more moments and experiences.