• 3D-printed models that mimic a seahorse tail were designed not only for potential engineering applications but also to answer the biological question, why might tails organized into square prisms be better than cylinders?

3D-printed models that mimic a seahorse tail were designed not only for potential engineering applications but also to answer the biological question, why might tails organized into square prisms be better than cylinders? (Photo : Michael Porter/Clemson University/Science)

Scientists and engineers are finding more incredible inspiration from nature to create better robots that possess more agility and versatility. 

This inspiration has been rediscovered in the distinct tails of seahorses which have distinct square shaped bony plates where these prove to be a unique feature as animal tails are often seen with cylindrical shapes.

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Researchers who wants to develop better robots also discovered that this square shape apparently improves and enhances the flexibility of the seahorse tails without lessening its innate strength.

This unique tail is apparently used for grabbing and grasping objects where it is made from 36 square shaped segments that possess a boxy cross section.

According to lead author of the study, mechanical engineer Michael Porter of Clemson University, while studying about the material that makes up skeletons of seahorses, he began to wonder about seahorses' tails as he started working on a steerable catheter with a square cross section. He also made a round catheter but this did not worked as well as the square one.

He added that the square design felt better and basically fit together and performed in a more robust way where the round one did not retain its shape well and did not seem to fit altogether.

The seahorse body is actually protected by overlapping L-shaped plates under its skin which are relatively tough where all its corners form a square shaped cross section. These plates are also stacked downward all the way to the end of the seahorse's tail.

Researchers then 3-D printed seahorse models of its vertebral columns and armored plates where they are all strung together with springs and elastic to simulate the natural links, connecting all the plates. 

Scientists took inspiration from these plates and compressed them to create a kind of strength that a seahorse can feel when its beak is trying to reach its tail. When this movement and position is applied, the square plates easily squeezed inward, keeping its shape so that they can slide over each other. 

These new findings can help scientists build better, flexible robots which are equally strong yet less prone to breakage that are similar to robotic tentacles, mechanical arms and body armor used by the military.

This new study is published in the journal, Science.