• NBA Trade Rumors: Mario Chalmers Is Chilled Out About Rumors About His Trade

NBA Trade Rumors: Mario Chalmers Is Chilled Out About Rumors About His Trade (Photo : Twitter)

Mario Chalmers is not stressing about his trade. He is taking it all in a positive manner. Meanwhile, Miami Heat is over the luxury tax line by close to $7.8 million and gives them $20.2 million as bill. This is the prime reason that Heat might be looking to reduce the tax payment by trading Chalmers.

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The Miami Heat have seen some massive changes in the last six months. South Florida Sun-Sentinal's Ira Winderman noted that Chalmers left Pat Riley's office and he knew about the tax implications.

"I haven't spoken to anybody. When I had my exit meeting with Pat [Riley], he said the only way he would trade me was if he had to," Chalmers said. He added that Riley did not talk about the tax much during their meeting. Chalmer revealed that Riley would let him know about it all. He stated that he is not worried about the trade or the outcome.

If Chalmers gets a chance to be a part of the team, he would be as the backup point guard to Goran Dragic. It is the same role as the end of the previous season.

Chalmers' salary might cost the Heat close to three times in tax. However, if the Miami Heat trade Chalmers and Chris Anderson, they could be below the tax limit and can evade the "repeater" sign.

The player said that it is tough to hear about the rumors. "But you know, that's what it was, was just rumors. I've just got to keep focusing on my game and keep my mind straight and keep fighting through it."