• 凤求凰 女生当众向男友下跪求婚 热点新闻 南方网.png

凤求凰 女生当众向男友下跪求婚 热点新闻 南方网.png (Photo : 87crn.com)

At the sixth Annual Xi Guan Food Festival, a woman proposed to her boyfriend in a wedding dress.

It was indeed an opportune time for romance. The number 12.12 rings similar to "want love" in the Chinese language. And the sixth Annual Xi Guan Food Festival provided the perfect setting, happening as it did Dec. 12, the last festival of year 2013.

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More than a culinary delight, it turned out to be a romantic occasion to many Chinese couples. Many young people in China decided to register for marriage on that day.

Ms. Nong, was among them. But she did more and took that special occasion to propose to her boyfriend, Mr. Zhong. Being a foodie herself, Ms. Nong believes proposing at a food festival would be an ideal plan. She contacted the organizer of the event to help her plan out everything. The organizer showed their support immediately after Ms. Nong's request.

At the event, Ms. Nong left her boyfriend for a while to put on her wedding dress. She then returned and kneeled down in front of him. He was really surprised about his girlfriend's actions. He blushed and was speechless.

Nong then asked Zhong: "If you want to marry me, then help me up!" Zhong helped Nong up to the loud cheers of the crowd. Nong then gave Zhong the ring she brought for him to put on her finger.

"I've practiced this proposal for so many times," Nong told this reporter.

The two met online. Mr. Zhong cooked dinner for Ms. Nong on their first date. "He cooked shrimps, fish for me. It tasted all right, and I could tell right away that he is a very nice guy," Nong added.

"He's been a really good boyfriend in our relationship. He will text me back immediately whenever I text him. He reasoned that he needs to make sure he can find me whenever I need help." Nong said she's really happy in this relationship. However, it's been too long that she's been waiting for the boyfriend to propose to her. Therefore, she decided to wait no more and propose herself.