• QQ______20121107094758.x_large.jpg

QQ______20121107094758.x_large.jpg (Photo : www.openideo.com)

On Nov. 29 around 8 P.M., two young-looking strangers walked into Ms. Li's Salon in Yi Nong Ville. The short man walked straight to the inner suite, asking Ms. Li if there is an escort service. Ms. Li followed the man in. The tall man knocked her out from behind before Li could even realize what happened.

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Li was shocked and scared. The short man then started searching for cash. The tall man surprisingly mellowed his tone down, and tried to ask Li to tell them where the money is.

Li didn't answer his questions, but with that, the man got irritated again and slapped her face. After a few minutes, the short guy found a few hundreds cash and three cellphones. The tall man then threw Ms. Li into the bed and asked her to take off her clothes. The two men took some naked pictures of Li, warning that if she calls the police they will post her nude pictures on the Internet. The two drove off the scene afterwards. Li called the police right after the two left.

She came back to the police station a few hours later because she had something new to update the police. She said that after she got a new phone, there was a stranger who texted her and apologized about what happened at the salon. The stranger said in the text messages that the robbery was an accident and that he was hoping to be friends with her, even ask her out on a date.

The police believed this was great clue to the crime. The police arrested both of the robbers on Dec. 5, 2013.