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u=2849432193,4260468091&fm=90&gp=0.jpg (Photo : baidu.com)

Violence escalated during protests In Ukraine's capital city, Kiev, earlier this week.

Police blocked off routes to the Ukrainian Parliament and associated buildings. The blockade caused a violent standoff, at which point young protesters hurled Molotov cocktails at the police. Police were seen beating protesters who were taken into custody.

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Early Tuesday morning, burning cars and blockades lay between the police and protesters. There was a lull in the action, but those on the scene feared that it would only be temporary. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is blaming other European politicians for inciting the unrest and has warned that the situation is "getting out of hand."

On Monday, Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych warned that the violence was threatening the overall stability of the country. The escalation of violence began last week as the Ukrainian Parliament passed a law curbing protester's rights. The law, which has yet to go into effect, states that it would be illegal to put up a tent or use loud horns in a public area. Violators will be subject to fine or imprisonment.

Protests in Kiev have been ongoing since last November. Demonstrators are angry with the Ukrainian government's dealings with Moscow as well as with certain planned measures signed with the EU.