Tian Xiaopeng's groundbreaking animated feature, "Monkey King: Hero Is Back," will be screened in over 60 countries, which is a new foreign sales record for a 3D animation made in China, according to a report by Xinhua.
Domestically, "Hero Is Back" has grossed 956 million yuan ($150.5 million), making it the highest grossing animation in China's cinematic history. This made it a prime candidate for overseas screening.
The Chinese animated film has already sold its distribution rights in more than 60 countries for $4 million.
The film has also been featured on the covers of SCREEN and Animation Magazine in early November.
Flame Node Entertainment is in charge of the film's distribution overseas. They have organized exhibition screenings for foreign distributors who have reportedly been impressed with the animation's qualities, according to Feng Yi, founder and president of Flame Node.
In an international market dominated by Hollywood animated films, Feng believes "Hero Is Back" can serve as a new voice that represents non-Hollywood films.
Flame Node has hired an American team to dub and voice the characters in preparation for foreign release.
Ned Lott, the producer and voice director for the 2015 Disney version of Hayao Miyazaki's "My Neighbor Totoro," cast the voices for the English version of "Hero Is Back."
Cory Edwards, the scriptwriter for "Escape from Planet Earth" and "Hoodwinked!" helped alter a few lines of dialogue to make the film a better fit for Western audiences.
Sales statistics show that distributors from Asian countries have been particularly interested in "Hero Is Back," since the Chinese classic "Journey to the West," from which the film is based, is still popular in Oriental cultures.
No overseas release dates have been announced.