• Dubbed Project Aura, the revamped Google Glass is rumored to be available in three distinct designs with at least one of it not sporting the ubiquitous screen.

Dubbed Project Aura, the revamped Google Glass is rumored to be available in three distinct designs with at least one of it not sporting the ubiquitous screen. (Photo : Reuters)

Recent report shows that Sony is trying to get itself into the Google Glass and wearable devices bandwagon as well. Reports are still unclear but it seems that Sony is eager to take a shot at this market after they unveiled their newest gadget, a small module the can be clipped into a pair of glasses.

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The idea of high-tech spectacles was initially revolutionized by Google upon the release of the Google Glass. Unfortunately, sales figures caused the groundbreaking technology go be totally forgotten by the public.

However, Sony is making rounds in the tech community lately when they announced their own version of the Google Glass. The yet to be named device is only known by its concept model tagged as "SmartEyeglass Attach." The prototype contains a camera and a tiny 640x400 OLED display screen that Sony claims can project images even under bright sunny outdoors or in dark rooms. It is also reported that it will run using an ARM Cortex-A7 processor with 400mAh battery. How could Sony throw all this hardware in a 40 gram device still remains a mystery.

An official Sony statement says that it will enable users to see "visual information that adds a level of convenience to everyday lives." What this entails is that user can now access messages, photos, emails and certain personal information on their pair of sunglasses or spectable. Official specs from Sony also reveal that it can connect to other devices through Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.

Based on official specs released by Sony, the biggest advantage of their clip-on device is its ability to be detached from a pair of spectacles when not in use thus downgrading the hassle of carrying it every time. A milestone achievement compared to Google Glass where-in most people find it off-putting.

Sony will unveil this device in the upcoming Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this coming Jan. 6 to 9.