• Lee Daniels

Lee Daniels (Photo : Reuters)

Fox channel has recently announced that "Empire" is proving to be the channel's highest rated show in many years. "Empire" was piloted this week and opened on Wednesday for the television viewers of Fox channel. The show premiered to a whopping 9.8 million in viewership count and it also got a rating of 3.7 out of a 5.

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The opening night of "Empire" has beaten ABC's three time Emmy Award winner "Modern Family" and also left Fox's "Idol" behind by a huge margin.

Fox was having some trouble with delivering new hits this season but "Empire" seems to promise a great season this year for the channel. The series "Gotham" had premiered sometime back on Fox and it was doing just fine but now Fox is expecting it to also pick up speed as they are getting more viewership because of "Empire".

Also, in order to put more focus on "Empire", Fox has moved the time for "Idol" and has for the very first time introduced the series on the internet for its viewers.

The hip hop soap opera "Empire" is clearly proving out to be a hit amongst its viewers and hopefully this ride will go only upwards. The show is getting rave reviews from "Grey's Anatomy" creator Shonda Rhimes too.

Lee Daniels, who is the brain behind the show, is obviously ecstatic about its opening night success. He was quoted saying earlier that the show has already changed the thinking of many homophobes and also insists that the storyline is based on a real and personal story. He had further added that the main aim of this show is to increasing the tolerance level of his audience and is getting successful so far.