• Gorgeous Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Concept Stuns With Rumored SD 820, 4GB RAM As The Banner Specs

Gorgeous Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Concept Stuns With Rumored SD 820, 4GB RAM As The Banner Specs (Photo : Facebook)

Rumors are rife that Samsung will produce the best Android flagship ever with the Galaxy S7, which is set for early 2016 release date. It is likely more gorgeous than the Galaxy S6 was and more powerful with Snapdragon 820 and Exynos 8890 M1 chips powering the device.

But one thing that the Galaxy S6 lacks, which turned off many Android and Sammy fans alike when the device rolled out earlier this year, the Galaxy S7 will also likely skip when unboxed - no provision for memory expansion.

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In a leaked smartphone render that is the product of the collaboration between @OnLeaks and uSwitch, the Galaxy S7 was showcased in the video clip and for the most part the visualized device was impressive as the Galaxy S6 was.

As indicated by earlier rumors, the S7 will mostly mirror the S6 build and design. The render, which according to uSwitch was "based on detailed blueprints that are supplied to third-party accessory manufacturers," showed that the Galaxy S6 and S7 are virtual twins and both devices will be stunning.

But there will be slight revisions applied by Samsung on the S7. For one, the home key is noticeably more rectangular compared to the device's predecessors. And looking closely on the concept, it is apparent as well that the handset's main connecting port remains asymmetrical.

This indicates, BGR said, that the Galaxy S7 is opting out of the USB Type-C port that has become the standard for most flagships starting this 2015. The design decision will mean that Samsung Galaxy S7 would-be users will miss out on the main benefits of USB Type-C connectivity - quick charging and superfast data transfer.

One thing, however, that could really disappoint even hardcore Samsung fans is the possibility that like the Galaxy S6, the S7 will not have a microSD slot on unpacking. As the render created by @OnLeaks and uSwitch suggests, there is no trace of memory expansion capability in the Galaxy S7.

Though most of theS7-related rumors, uSwitch said, appear to be on track to become real such as 3D Touch-like function and the issuance of two editions - the 5.2-inch regular Galaxy S7 and the 5.7-inch Galaxy S6 Plus. A Galaxy S7 Edge, with its curved display panel, is also likely in the works, BGR said.

Samsung has already sent out the invites for its Las Vegas CES 2016 event in early January, further fueling the speculations that the Galaxy S7 release date is happening as early as the first week of February.