• John Wall

John Wall (Photo : Twitter)

Here's another possible addition to the growing rivalry between the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Washington Wizards.

The NBA All-Star voting returns have been released by NBA.com and while most players concede that the "Kobe Bryant tribute" vote was alright, John Wall had to speak up about Kyrie Irving possibly getting voted in as a starter in the East.

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Irving is currently in second place (138,191 votes) behind Dwyane Wade of the Miami Heat. The top two backcourt players will be voted in as starters. John Wall is fifth with 103,094 votes.

Now, Wall says that the voting process is "a joke." His whole statements from CSN Washington:

"It's a joke" Wall said. "I played like horses**t the first month and a half but I still was averaging like 16 and eight. That's not bad numbers I guess it's the record. No offense Kyrie, he's played (three) games. If he was healthy he probably would be in that position because he'd be playing well. I can see him there because that's how talented he is."

Kyrie Irving has only played three games this season but his Cleveland Cavaliers team continues to stand atop the Eastern Conference standings. In contrast, the Washington Wizards has just reached the .500 mark (14-14) after t a four-game winning streak.

While he was not taking a shot at Kyrie Irving, this statement will definitely be taken out of context and used as fuel for the Wizards-Cavs rivalry. Even if Wall would not be voted in as a starter, he is almost a lock to be chosen as a reserve by the All-Star coach.