Monday, 7th, 2024 | 10:23PM Updated

 An illustration of ancient Earth's magnetic field compared to the modern magnetic field
North and South Pole? Ancient Earth had Multiple Magnetic Poles

New findings reveal how ancient Earth possessed more than two magnetic poles, shifting into multiple poles and returned back again to the north and south pole.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin make a joint statement during the latter's state visit in Beijing.
China and Russia Criticize US Worldwide Anti-missile System Plans

China and Russia both criticized the United States’ plan to deploy anti-missile systems all over the world and promised to maintain balance in the global scene together.

A new study reveals how hotter weather and less tempearture variations in climate can trigger more violence.
Global Warming and Hotter Temperatures Trigger More Violence

New findings reveal how temperature variations and seasons can affect human behavior and violence where those who live in hotter countries are more prone to aggression.

The mammoth skeleton was discovered last December in the central Mexican municipality of Tultepec.
Remarkable Mammoth Fossils Found in Mexico City

A mammoth was found buried two meters under a street in Tultepec, during a drainage installation that is estimated to be at least 14,000 years old.

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Keychain Breathalyzer
SCOTUS ruling: Supreme Court decides warrant unnecessary for drunk-driving breathalyzer tests, required for blood tests

The Supreme Court of the United States reported a split-decision ruling on June 23, Thursday that law enforcement officers can require a warrant-less breathalyzer test from suspected drunk drivers after an arrest. In the same situation a warrant is required for police officers to demand a blood test. The ruling was based on three drunken driving arrests in North Dakota in which the arrested men were prosecuted or threatened with legal action if they refused to take tests for measuring alcohol levels in breath or blood.

A Long March-7 carrier rocket lifts off from Wenchang Satellite Launch Center, south China's Hainan Province, June 25, 2016.
China Successfully Launches New Rocket for Second Space Station

China's space program officials just revealed that they have successful launched an experimental spacecraft via their new rocket, to establish their second space station.

The larvae usually live concealed and camouflaged in ground litter or under stones, lying in wait for prey. Left: Well camouflaged with small stones. Middle: Carbonized plant residue is used as camouflage here. Right: Reconstruction of a yet uncamouflaged
Ancient Amber Fossils Reveal How Insects Dress with Dead Bodies of their Prey

New evidence reveals how insects trapped inside amber millions of years ago, used dead bodies of their prey as camouflage.

This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image shows the star cluster NGC 1854, a gathering of red, white and blue stars in the southern constellation of Dorado (The Dolphinfish).
Hubble Captures Dazzling Colorful Star Cluster in Large Magellanic Cloud

Hubble Space Telescope's latest image shows a colorful star cluster, nestled inside the Large Magellanic Cloud, filled with star clusters.

The three variants of the bearded dragon. Bottom: ‘normal’ animal (wild-type); middle: the heterozygous mutant bearing one copy of the mutated EDA gene; and top: the homozygous mutant that bears two copies of the EDA mutation. The homozygous mutant lacks
How Scales, Fur and Feathers are Traced to a Common Ancestor

Scientists have identified the exact gene what causes the different development of skin appendages of reptiles, mammals and birds.

Heavy hail and a strong tornado have hit eastern China's Jiangsu Province on June 23, leaving at least 98 people dead and some 800 injured, according to local media.
Tornado, Hailstorms Kill At Least 98 in Eastern China

A tornado, hailstorm, and heavy rain have left 98 people dead and nearly 800 injured in the eastern Chinese province of Jiangsu.

An old female Barbary macaque at “La Forêt des Singes” in Rocamadour, France, being groomed
Study: Older Monkeys Become More Selective with Friends Like Humans

New findings reveal how older humans and older monkeys have in common, as they become more selective with their social relationships.

By the 2080s, there will be 3,331 deaths due to extreme heat in New York every year.
New York City Heats Up Killing 3,331 People Every Year Due to Climate Change

New findings reveal that beginning 2080, there will be around 3,331 deaths due to extreme heat and higher temperatures caused by greenhouse gas emissions in New York.

This new Hubble Space Telescope image confirms the presence of a dark vortex in the atmosphere of Neptune.
Mysterious Dark Spot on Neptune Detected by Hubble

New Hubble observations reveal that a mysterious dark spot in Neptune's atmosphere was seen, which is described as a dark vortex.

“Most people want to live in in a world where cars will minimize casualties,” says Iyad Rahwan, an associate professor in the MIT Media Lab and co-author of a new paper outlining the study. “But everybody wants their own car to protect them at all costs.”
Moral Dilemmas of Self-Driving Cars: Who to Save? Passenger or Pedestrian?

New research reveals how moral dilemmas will soon arise in the adoption of autonomous vehicles or driverless cars.

Bird's eye view of San Andreas Fault in California
Land surrounding San Andreas Fault slowly rising and sinking overtime according to scientists

The San Andreas Fault which is the longest earthquake fault in California remains one of the most dangerous. A computer image was produced by some scientists showing the land around the San Andreas Fault rising and sinking which is believed to be caused by seismic strain.

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