Monday, 7th, 2024 | 10:20PM Updated

Artist's concept of NASA's Juno spacecraft crossing the orbits of Jupiter's four largest moons -- Callisto, Gaynmede, Europa and Io -- on its approach to Jupiter.
NASA Juno Mission: First Spacecraft to Enter Jupiter Happens Tonight

Tonight, July 4th, NASA's Juno spacecraft enters Jupiter's orbit and powerful magnetosphere, as it begins its year and half exploration of Jupiter.

U.K.-China relations will stay strong despite Britain's decision to ditch its EU membership.
China-UK Ties Remain Stable Amid Brexit, Says Ambassador

China's relationship with the U.K. will remain resilient amid Britain's decision to leave the European Union.

Operators of illegal drones flying over the Shanghai International and Tourism Resorts Zone's restricted area face huge fines, per the latest regulation by the zone committee.
Illegal Drones Flying Over Shanghai Disneyland Face 30,000 Yuan Fine

Unauthorized drone operators will face huge fines once caught flying UAVs over the restricted area at the Shanghai International and Tourism Resorts Zone, which covers the Shanghai Disney Resort.

Shanxi Province Governor Li Xiaopeng is tipped to become SASAC's new boss.
Shanxi Governor Rumored to Take Over as SASAC's New Big Boss

Shanxi Province Governor Li Xiaopeng is poised to become the new head of the Communist Party regulator's state-owned enterprises, reported the South China Morning Post.

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Xu Lin, deputy director of China's Cyberspace Administration, poses for a photo during a conference in Shanghai.
Lu Wei to Give Up Post as China’s Internet Czar, Deputy as Likely Successor

Lu Wei, the country’s Internet czar, is stepping down from his post, with Deputy Director Xu Lin as his likely successor, The New York Times reported, citing reports by China’s state media on Wednesday, June 29.

This graphic illustration urges British electorate to vote for leaving the European Union at the British referendum held on June 23.
Google Trends data reveal search for Brexit surpassed people’s interest in porn

Believe it or not, apart from socio, political and economic issues, the referendum on Britain's association with the European Union seems to affected people's libido too.

Alvin Toffler’s prophetic 1970 book, “Future Shock,” sold millions of copies and catapulted the author to international fame.
China's Favorite Futurist Alvin Toffler Dies at 87

The influential futurist and author of "Future Shock" and "Third Wave" has passed away. He was 87.

China is the latest country to join the International Organization for Migration.
China Joins International Organization for Migration, Receives Welcome from UN Chief

Ban Ki-moon, the secretary-general of the United Nations, welcomed China's membership to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Global Times reported.

A satellite photograph showing the ozone hole over the Antarctic, measuring about 9.3 million square miles.
New study reveals ozone hole over Antarctic ‘healing,’ size shrunk to nearly half

A team of researchers have offered extraordinarily good news related to a three-decade-old environmental problem. They found that the ozone hole above the Antarctic region, which was identified first in the mid-1980s, is finally begun to shrink.

Many Chinese visit various parks during the summer season.
Shanghai Parks Extend Hours This Summer

Shanghai greenery officials announced on Thursday that the city's parks will have extended operation hours this summer to accommodate more visitors, Shanghai Daily reported.

Selling of stolen phones has become rampant in China.
Nearly Thousand of Stolen Phones Seized in Biggest Shanghai Gang Bust

Police officers were able to secure nearly a thousand stolen phones in a recent operation. The gang bust is regarded as the biggest of its kind in Shanghai.

A man was reported to have allegedly died while he was in the custody of Beijing police officers.
Beijing Police Authorities Face Charges Over Death of Man in Custody

Beijing prosecutors announced on Thursday that two of the five police officers who are currently under investigation for the death of a man in their custody are already facing charges, Shanghai Daily reported.

China intensifies food safety campaign with new law enforced in October last year.
Half of Food Safety Testers in China Not Certified: Top Legislature

Around 460 or half of China's food safety testers were found to have not received government certification, the country's top legislature revealed in its inspection report released on Thursday.

New cadets salute during the Oath of Allegiance ceremony during Reception Day at the United States Military Academy at West Point, June 27, 2016 in West Point, New York.
Pentagon revokes ban on transgender troops serving openly in the military

Pentagon has finally lifted the ban on transgender people serving openly in the military.

The megalithic cluster of Carregal do Sal
World's First Telescope: 6000 Year Old Megalithic Tombs

An ancient megalithic tombstone in Portugal is considered as an early telescope used by prehistoric people, dating back to 6,000 years.

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