Saturday, 28th, 2024 | 2:21PM Updated

Mysterious space object known as WT1190F will enter Earth on Friday the 13th near Sri Lanka.
Bizarre Space Object Enters Earth on Friday the 13th

Water on Earth originated during the formation of the proto solar disk, as the solar system is forming, and not from asteroids.
Water Appeared During Birth of Solar System Not From Asteroids

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In this artist's rendering of GJ 1132b, a rocky exoplanet very similar to Earth in size and mass, circles a red dwarf star.
'Most Important Planet Ever Discovered' Only 40 Light Years Away

Magnetically confined plasma in the Korean superconducting tokamak, KSTAR. The extreme temperature plasma radiates in a spectrum that our eyes can not see. What is visible in this image are the colder regions on the outer edge of the plasma.
New Plasma Confinement State: Secret to Fusion Energy

The debris disc around SDSS1228+1040 (left) in scale to Saturn and his rings (right). While the white dwarf in SDSS1228+1040 is about seven times smaller than Saturn, it weighs 2500 times more.
Scientists Capture Image of Dead Star Tearing Apart an Asteroid

The oldest known stars in the universe are located in the center of the Milky Way galaxy.
Oldest Stars in Universe Found in Heart of Milky Way

Scientists using New Horizons images of Pluto's surface to make 3-D topographic maps have discovered that two of Pluto’s mountains, informally named Wright Mons and Piccard Mons, could possibly be ice volcanoes. The color is shown to depict changes in ele
Icy Volcanoes May Still Be Active on Pluto

New modeling indicates that the grooves on Mars’ moon Phobos could be produced by tidal forces – the mutual gravitational pull of the planet and the moon. Initially, scientists had thought the grooves were created by the massive impact that made Stickney
How Mars is Slowly Destroying Its Moon Phobos Into Pieces

New thermal scannings of the Giza ancient pyramids reveal several anomalies.
New 'Anomalies' Found Inside Egypt's Giza Pyramids

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