Sunday, 29th, 2024 | 5:26AM Updated

A chemical hearth recently discovered in the walls of the Rotunda dates back to its Jeffersonian origins.
Secret Chemistry Lab of Thomas Jefferson Discovered

The Data Science Machine can replace human intuition with automated algorithms.
MIT System Could Soon Replace Human Intuition

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A zombie fly called Apocephalus borealis lays eggs inside a honeybee.
It's Real: How Killer Flies are Turning Honeybees Into 'Zombies'

The Earth's inner core is estimated to solidify some 1 billion to 1.5 billion years ago.
Earth's Inner Core Formed Some 1.5 Billion Years Ago

The California Coastal Commission approves SeaWorld's project to build bigger orca tanks but bans whale breedings.
SeaWorld Banned From Breeding Whales in Captivity

An artist's depiction of the Earth Reliant, Proving Ground and Earth Independent thresholds, showing key capabilities that will be developed along the way.
NASA Reveals 3 Stage Plan for First Official Mission to Mars

In Case You Missed It

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