Wednesday, 1st, 2025 | 12:23AM Updated

Galaxy EGS8p7, as seen from the Hubble Space Telescope (wide and top right) and Spitzer Space Telescope (inset, bottom right), taken in infrared.
Scientists Discover Oldest and Most Distant Galaxy in Universe

While a Mars rover can't operate upside down, the Hedgehog robot can function regardless of which side lands up.
NASA's New Hedgehog Robot Can Hop Around Comets and Asteroids

Your kitty is apparently not sad when you are away.
Study: Your Cat Does Not Miss You When You're Gone

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More than 120,000 endangered saiga antelopes in Kazakhstan have mysteriously died in just two weeks.
60000 Antelopes Mysteriously Die in Kazakhstan in 4 Days

An autonomous robot will hunt and kill an invasive starfish species that is destroying the Great Barrier Reef.
Starfish Killer Robot to Save the Great Barrier Reef

A pair of melon headed whales are now under critical condition on a Waveland beach.
Whales Mysteriously Get Stranded on Mississippi Coast

Chimp plans to whack out a drone camera and wins.
Smart Chimp Deliberately Plans to Attack Drone with Stick

The skull and jaws of Isthminia panamensis, a new fossil dolphin from Panama.
Scientists Discover Ancient River Dolphin in Amazon

In the year 2050, almost 99 percent of seabirds will have plastic inside their guts.
90% of Seabirds Have Plastic Inside Their Guts

Can you spot the spoon on Mars? This image was taken by Mastcam: Left (MAST_LEFT) onboard NASA's Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 1089 (2015-08-30 01:00:25 UTC).
[PHOTO] NASA Curiosity Rover Spots a 'Floating Spoon' on Mars

Artist's impression of NASA's New Horizons spacecraft encountering a Pluto-like object in the distant Kuiper Belt.
NASA Reveals New Horizons' Next Target to Explore After Pluto

In Case You Missed It

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