Wednesday, 1st, 2025 | 12:10AM Updated

Hurricane Frances on Sept. 3, 2004. Florida is just barely visible at the top center of the image, while Cuba, Jamaica, and Hispaniola line up vertically along the left.
Rare, Extreme 'Grey Swan' Hurricanes Becoming More Frequent

Artistic conception of the Pentecopterus decorahensis, an ancient predator of the seas.
5 Foot Long Ancient Sea Scorpion Monster Found in Iowa

The Mars One project intends to bring individuals that will permanently man stations in the Red Planet.
Buzz Aldrin Develops 'Master Plan' to Colonize Mars

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In this theoretical artist's conception of the Milky Way galaxy, translucent green
Alien Life May Have Spread Through the Universe Like a 'Virus'

Laurence C. Smith, Chair of Geography at University of California, Los Angeles, deployed an autonomous drifter in a meltwater river on the surface of the Greenland ice sheet on July 19, 2015.
NASA: Global Sea Levels Rising 3 Inches Every Year

Household dust under a microscope.
House Dust Contains More Than 7,000 Bacteria

Traces of mercury and selenium are found in wildlife in the Grand Canyon.
Mercury is Now Polluting the Grand Canyon

In Case You Missed It

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