Saturday, 28th, 2024 | 2:16PM Updated

Nadine is a humanoid robot built with a personality and a set of emotions.
Meet Nadine: Creepy, New 'Social Robot' With a Personality

A powerful geomagnetic storm will hit Earth on New Year's Eve.
Powerful Solar Storm Hits Earth on New Year's Eve

Progressive forest canopy water stress in the state of California from 2011 to 2015.
California Drought: More Than 58 Million Trees At Risk of Dying

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Reconstruction of Ballynahatty Neolithic skull by Elizabeth Black. Her genes tell us she had black hair and brown eyes.
Ancient Irish DNA Reveals Middle Eastern and Russian Origins

How the moon will appear on Christmas, 2015.
Rare Full Moon Revealed This Christmas

UW graduate student Sean LaHusen pointing to buried debris at an older slide on the north fork of the Stillaguamish River.
Study: More Deadly Landslides Coming to Oso, Washington

These images of an asteroid 3,600 feet (1,100 meters) long were taken on Dec. 17 (left) and Dec. 22 by scientists using NASA's giant Deep Space Network antenna at Goldstone, California. This asteroid will safely fly past Earth on Dec. 24, at a distance of
NASA: Christmas Eve Asteroid Will Not Hit Earth

New Caledonian crows can make, use and even store their own tools.
Study: Clever Crows Build, Use and Store Their Own Tools

By producing 50 grams of plutonium-238, Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers have demonstrated the nation’s ability to provide a valuable energy source for deep space missions
US Now Produces Own Plutonium to Fuel NASA Space Missions

Four views of the Mare Imbrium basin and the Chang’e-3 landing site demonstrate how different the Moon looks to different types of remote sensing, underscoring the need for ground truth to calibrate the orbital observations.
China's Lunar Rover Discovered a New Kind of Moon Rock

In Case You Missed It

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