Monday, 13th, 2024 | 11:59PM Updated

Criticism of China’s South China Sea Stand to Intensify at ASEM in Mongolia

CHAMP, the EMP weapon of the U.S. Air Force, attacks an enemy target. (Illustration)
Russia Developing EMP Gun for Sixth Generation Drone Jet Fighters

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AC-130 firing its cannon
US Air Force looking at 200 kW laser cannon; testing 150 kW laser on Predator drone

Chixulub asteroid strike off the Yucatan 66 million years ago.
Yucatan Asteroid Impact and Climate Change Killed-off the Dinosaurs

US Navy X-47B in flight alongside the USS George H.W. Bush.
US Navy Downgrades Combat Aerial Drone into Aerial Tanker

New analysis shows there has been no slowdown or a hiatus in the rate of global warming; a melting glacier
Hiatus in Global Warming is a Myth; World Temperatures Head for New Record Highs

DARPA robotics challenge competing countries
It's the US versus the World at the DARPA Robotics Challenge 2015

Crime scene tape
Painkillers and Antidepressants Linked to Higher Homicide Risk

A suspension of muscle progenitor cells is injected into the cell-free matrix of a decellularized rat limb, which provides shape and structure onto which regenerated tissue can grow.
World's First Lab-grown Limb a Huge Boost to Bioengineered Human Organ Transplants

Swiss cheese
Scientists Discover the Real Reason Why Swiss Cheese Has Holes

Two views of the shattered Siloe Patera supervolcano on Mars
Scientists Discover First Massive Supervolcano on Mars

In Case You Missed It

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