Sunday, 22nd, 2024 | 3:54AM Updated

CDC map showing the leading cause of death per state above the national average
Nevada, New Mexico and Oregon lead US in Number of Deaths Caused by Cops

C-C-C-Combo Breaker
DIY Gadget Opens Master Lock Combination Locks in Seconds

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An opah: the first warm-blooded fish identified by science
Meet the Opah: the First Fully Warm-Blooded Fish Identified by Science

An artist's rendition of two Saurornitholestes sullivani attacking a subadult hadrosaur, Parasaurolophus tubicen.
New Killer Dinosaur's Strong Sense of Smell made it More Lethal than Velociraptor

Chilean UFO  and CEFAA analysis
Chile Concludes Fying Saucer Shaped Object Seen in 2013 Qualifies as a UFO

Europa and sea salt, discolored by radiation exposure like what may be found on the surface of Europa.
Europa's Dark Lines are Sea Salt; Means Alien Life Likely Exists in its Icy Seas

Honeybees and their value to humans
Massive Honeybee Die-offs Threaten US Food Supply; Cause Remains Unknown

A nighttime shot of some of the antennas of the OV-LWA with the center of our galaxy in the background.
New Radio Telescope Array Monitors Early Universe and Threatening Space Weather 24/7

Pluto's moons
NASA Releases First New Horizons' Photos of Pluto's Moons, Kerberos and Styx

An artist’s rendition of the non-avian dinosaur Anchiornis and a modern tinamou with premaxillary and palatine bones highlighted.
Hello, Jurassic Park: Scientists Reverse Engineer Bird's Beaks into Dinosaur Snouts

Google's self-driving cars
Google on its 11 Self-Driving Cars Accidents: It Wasn't Our Fault

The eerily beautiful blue sunset on Mars
Beautiful Blue Sunset on the Red Planet Draws Worldwide Awe

Photo of  VHS 1256b (upper left) and its spectrum. (Below) Artist's impression of the exoplanet
Scientists take First Photos of the Super-Jupiter Exoplanet Closest to Earth

In Case You Missed It

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