Sunday, 22nd, 2024 | 8:56AM Updated

 Reconstruction of Archaeornithura meemannae and its fossils (below).
Oldest Known Ancestor of Modern Birds Discovered in China

Bottlenose dolphins
Like Humans, Dolphins Form Social Networks; are Choosy about Friends

The inset image of the farthest confirmed galaxy observed to date has been colored blue as suggestive of its young stars.
Farthest Galaxy Yet Discovered by Astronomers is 13.1 Billion Light-Years Away

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U.S. is the Worst Country in Maternal Health Care among Developed Nations

They're back; a Tie Fighter attacks the Rebels; Director JJ Abrams stands before a full scale model of an X-Wing fighter
New Photos from Star Wars: The Force Awakens Released on Star Wars Day

The late Dave Goldberg
Dave Goldberg Died of 'Head Trauma' but Mystery about His Death Lingers

A standard salbutamol nebulizer for asthmatics.
Reliable Cure for Asthma Discovered; Scientists Announce Breakthrough Discovery

Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte of Cambridge
Royal Princess is Named Charlotte Elizabeth Diana

The Y. pestis bacteria that causes pneumonic plague.
CDC Says Dog Caused U.S. Pneumonic Plague Outbreak that Infected Humans

Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed Movie Hits Theaters Dec. 21, 2016; Starts Filming This September

An illustration of the world's fiber optic systems (yellow lines). China's senior officials have pushed for the expansion of fiber optic and 4G networks in the country.
Looming 'Web Crisis' Could See Internet Meltdown in Eight Years Unless ...

Old alone
'Fountain of Youth' Discovered? Scientists Might Finally be Able to Reverse Aging

The cover of the magazine Vangardist was printed with ink mixed with HIV+ blood.
Cover of Men's Magazine Printed with HIV+ Blood

Endangered large herbivores
Drop in Numbers of Rhinos, Elephants and Large Herbivores Leading to Empty Landscapes

In Case You Missed It

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