Sunday, 22nd, 2024 | 9:26AM Updated

Comet 67P
Magnetism Not a Major Force in Planetary Formation, Says New Study

Bones of a medieval Norman knight and a print of a 14th century French tournament.
Battered Bones of Norman Knight Tell Story of his Life and Death

B-52 drops a GBU-57 Massive Ordnance Penetrator
Study of Underground Impacts Helping US Build Deadlier Bunker Buster Bombs

General Atomics' fusion energy electromagnet
World's First Fusion Energy Rector Set to Operate in 2019

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Black hole 'X-ray Nova'
Dearth of Dark Energy Won't Stop the End of the Universe

Look up or look down?
Short People at Greater Risk of Coronary Heart Disease, Says Study

Coupled cesium atoms absorb light to slow down the speed of light
Speed of Light Slowed to a Standstill from 1.08 billion km/h in Landmark Experiment

T. rex in combat
Tyrannosaurus Rex, that Fearsome Killer, was a Cannibal, Too

Border collie, the world's smartest dog
Dogs are Really a Lot Smarter Than We Think, Says Scientists

Aliens might be just as tall as these monsters
Spacefaring Aliens are Likely to be Giants and Not Small ETs, Says New Study

Pillars of Creation and Hubble
NASA to Celebrate 25th Anniversary of the Iconic Hubble Space Telescope

LHC electromagnets
LHC Successfully Restarted After Two Years; Soon to Search for Dark Matter

Interactive UFO map
New Interactive Maps Show Locations of UFO Sightings in the U.S.

In Case You Missed It

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