Friday, 10th, 2025 | 10:14PM Updated

Gregory Touhill
US has its First Chief Information Security Officer in Gregory Touhill

B-21 Long Range Strike Bomber.
US Air Force B-21 Stealth ‘China Bomber’ Awaits its Official Nickname

Minuteman launch.
US Fires ICBM to Warn North Korea, which Responds with Biggest Nuclear Test

G. pannuceum gets its name from the wrinkled sheath covering its midbody.
Four New Parasitoid Wasp Species Discovered in China

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JASSM in flight.
US Air Force now has 2,000 Smart JASSMs Ready for Action

Biochemist Glendon Parker examines a 250-year-old archaeological hair sample analyzed for human identification using protein markers from the hair.
New Hair Protein Analysis Technique Might be as Good as DNA Profiling

U.S. Navy carrier group.
United States, China-Russia to Hold Naval Drills in Asia this Month

Hubble Space Telescope Observation of the central region of the Galactic globular cluster NGC 6101.
Scientists Confirm ‘Impossible’ Black Hole Event

The Russian Antey-2500 air defense missile system.
Russia says $2 Billion Arms Deals Clinched at Arms Exhibition

Alicia Vikander as Ava in Ex Machina
Sex with AI Robots will be Intense, Addictive and Always On 24/7

U.S. Air Force aerial drone crew.
US Air Force Hiring More Civilian Contractors to Fly Aerial Drones

Illustration of how an Em Drive works.
AIAA will Publish Peer Reviewed Study on Controversial Em Drive Engine

US President Barack Obama in Laos.
Obama Reassures Asian Allies the US is ‘Here to Stay’ in Asia

In Case You Missed It

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