Sunday, 22nd, 2024 | 12:09PM Updated

Some schools are better than others, prompting parents to move near better schools.
Shanghai City Teachers Are Better Educated: Global Survey

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The operations of Microsoft Online in Chinese mainland have been in the red since 2012.
Chinese Firm to Sell 50 Percent Share in Microsoft Online

Researchers are conducting studies to counter the Zika virus.
China’s Second Imported Zika Case Confirmed

South Korea asks the help of the United States in building a defense system against missiles.
US, Allies Should Support China to Influence North Korea: Experts

Victims of illegel fund-raising can now voice out their concerns via a new Chinese website.
China’s Website for Illegal Fund-raising Cases Launched

South Korea has asked the help of the United States in building a defense system against missiles.
China Protests South Korea’s Request for US Missile Shield

Aedes aegypti mosquitos are seen in a lab at the Fiocruz institute on January 26, 2016 in Recife, Pernambuco state, Brazil. The mosquito transmits the Zika virus and is being studied at the institute.
Shenzhen Adopts Lab Test for Zika Virus

The Zika virus is strongly linked to primary microcephaly.
Chinese Border Province Heightens Alertness Over Zika Virus

In Case You Missed It

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