Sunday, 22nd, 2024 | 8:09AM Updated

Apple CEO Tim Cook visits Beijing.
China No Longer Apple's Second Biggest Market

Chinese luxury hotels forced to cut prices due to over-expansion.
Chinese Luxury Hotels Cut Room Rates Amid Effects of Over-expansion

Jack Ma, founder and CEO of Alibaba Group
Alibaba Pictures Unveil $300M Investment Fund

China plans to extend retirement age gradually.
Ministries Tackle Social Issues Such as Food Security and Retirement Age

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Beijing safari park held accountable for fatal tiger attack.
Lawyer: Beijing Safari Park Is 'Liable' for Fatal Tiger Attack

Former top military official gets life sentence for accepting bribes.
Top Chinese Ex-military Official Gets Life Sentence for Graft

China's electronic waste recycling now improved with stricter, environment-friendly regulations.
China Launches Environment-friendly E-waste Management System

The International Monetary Fund is set to include the Chinese yuan as part of its reserve currency basket starting October.
Central Bank Chief Emphasizes Stability as Yuan Ends Six-week Drop

China eyes to be an aircraft carrier superpower.
China Takes Big Leap Toward Becoming an Aircraft Carrier Superpower

Will the Brexit benefit or worsen the Chinese economy? Analysts shared varying opinions.
Brexit's Varying Effects on China According to Economists and Experts

Chinese media may be contributing to China's slowing economy.
Digital Red Envelope Journalism Blamed for Worsening Economy in China

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte plans to send former president Fidel Ramos to start diplomatic talks with China over territorial dispute.
Philippines, China Set to Talk on South China Sea Issues

South China Sea underwater resources are still in danger of abuse says experts.
After Ruling, Reefs and Other Underwater Resources Are Still Endangered: Experts

Outdoor workers are supposed to receive a 'high heat subsidy' from employers when they work on extremely hot days.
China High Heat Compensation: Too Little, Too Late

In Case You Missed It

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