Saturday, 22nd, 2025 | 6:34PM Updated

Beijing's officials are looking forward to the hosting of the 2022 Winter Olympics.
Beijing Launches 2022 Winter Olympic Organizing Committee

Shanghai is often seen as one of the more cosmopolitan cities in China, with the strongest influence from the West.
Shanghai: The Most Expensive City in Asia for Expats

Yao Ming is one of the most successful Chinese-born to play in the NBA.
NBA Hall of Fame May Change Eligibility Rule, May Soon Induct Yao Ming

One Championship honored Yang Jianping after he died.
Chinese MMA Fighter Dies Trying to Meet Required Weight

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Guo Guangchang is the founder and chair of Fosun International.
Fosun Founder Helps Police with Probe, Not Regarding Fosun

The Monkey King has played a prominent role in Chinese culture.
Peking Opera to Stage Monkey King

Women are often discriminated against in the workplace.
Ministry of Education Bans Discriminatory Campus Recruitment Policies

China, like the rest of the world, is making efforts to improve gender equality.
Gender Equality Training Given to Beijing Officials

Stephen Chow is known for his comedy films
Stephen Chow Reveals Trailer and Posters for New Film 'The Mermaid'

Villagers from Yangchun believe that the mummified statue, currently in possession of a Dutch collector, is the same one that was stolen from their village 20 years ago.
Villagers Reject Dutch Collector's Demands for the Return of Stolen Mummy

Driving students currently rely on driving schools to get a license.
New Policies to Simplify Getting a Driver's License, Cut Red Tape

President Xi Jinping is one of the world leaders who signed the landmark global climate deal.
President Xi to Attend Second World Internet Conference

Tu Youyou grew up in Ningbo but left for Beijing to study in a university in the 1950s.
Tu Youyou's Childhood Home Now a Historical Site

A waste transfer station could potentially pollute nearby areas if the facility is not managed properly.
Protests Halt Construction of Waste Transfer Station

Merchant vessels will soon have to watch their emissions when going through three key areas in China.
China to Implement Stricter Policies to Curb Ship Pollution

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