Sunday, 22nd, 2024 | 3:19PM Updated

Coal burning is attributed as one of the main causes of air pollution in the country.
China to Wipe Out Coal Consumption by 2020

President Xi called for the establishment of a foundation that will help the country hasten and deepen reforms for the first three years of the framework.
Xi Calls for Deeper Reforms, Transparency in Government

Last year, the total box-office sales in the country reached 40.05 billion yuan ($6.18 billion).
Chinese Film Giants Focus on Co-producing

Smoking meat is a popular practice in Sichuan Province's easternmost city particularly during the Spring Festival, which takes place from Feb. 8-22 every year.
Sichuan Officials Provide Equipment for Smog-free Meat

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There are currently 6,284 passenger train services running in the country, 60 percent of which are high-speed.
More Passenger Train Services Planned for 2016

The film adaptation of
'The White Haired Girl' Is Coming to Cinemas

“The test flights proved that the airfield has the capacity to ensure safe operation of large civilian aircraft,” Xinhua said in its official media release.
Second Test Flight at Nansha Islands Successful

Hebei Province is home to a number of highly polluting heavy industries such as steel, cement and coal power.
Environmental Team Heads to Hebei for First Round of Inspections

The situation in the Korean Peninsula is particularly sensitive, as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) launched a nuclear test recently.
China, UN Objects DPRK's Nuclear Test

According to experts, men’s fertility can go well into their 50s. The reality is different, however, as “many have a problem with that even in their 30s.”
Older Couples Have Trouble Conceiving Due to Poor Sperm Quality

During the meeting last Tuesday, Wang reiterated the importance of seeking peace in Syria through talks and political solutions that are in line with the important and long-term interests of Syria.
China, UK to Issue Joint Statement on Syrian Crisis

The new regulatory rules will include selling restrictions, mechanisms and a predisclosure system to help decrease the negative impact on the capital market.
Securities Regulator to Impose New Rules on Major Shareholders

A number of top-tier companies are already expected to launch their first wave of VR products this year.
More Tech Companies Invest in Virtual Reality Technology

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