Sunday, 23rd, 2025 | 3:05PM Updated

China's First Domestically Developed Electric Aircraft Delivered To Faku Caihu Airport
China to Build 500 More Airports by 2020

A Golden Eagle-class airship
60-ton Airship to Be Added to China’s 'Golden Eagle' Fleet

The Boeing logo is seen on a Boeing 787 Dreamliner airplane in Long Beach, California, March 14, 2012.
Boeing to Sell 300 Planes to China

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The cost of a J-10 fighter jet is estimated to be around $40 million, but Iran does not need to spend a single dollar for the deal.
China-Iran Deal May Gain Ire of U.S.

An undated photo of a Y-8 patrol aircraft undergoing a test flight.
China’s North Sea Fleet Gets Y-8Q Anti-Submarine Patrol Craft

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