Sunday, 5th, 2025 | 4:31AM Updated

Apple's iPad Air 3 release remains uncertain as the company is focused on the next iPad Pro.
iPad Air 3 news, rumors: Tablet not cancelled? October launch likely?

The iPad Air 3 is still a no show and now its future is in question.
iPad Air 3 debut rumored to be happening before 2016 closes

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Pangu finds itself trying to scamper for an iOS 10 jailbreak following the final release of iOS 9.3.3.
iOS 9.3.3 release renders iOS 9.3.2 jailbreaking tool useless

Apple Pay is promoted on signs placed at the cash register of Whole Foods in Columbus Circle on October 20, 2014 in New York, NY. The software, which debuted today, is available in the recently updated iPhone 6 software and accepted in 220,000 stores. It
Apple Pay enters France, launches in Hong Kong

iPhone 7 is Apple's upcoming flagship device for 2016 and is expected to launch in early September.
Alleged iPhone 7 now shown on video as release nears

Pangu may end up releasing an iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak ahead of iOS 9.3.2 due to flaws on the latter Apple operating system.
Imperfect iOS 9.3.2 Jailbreak clears way for iOS 9.3.3 crack

With no iOS jailbreak in sight, hacker groups may be better off working on a possible iOS 10 jailbreak instead.
The wait for Pangu’s celebrated iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak looking bleak

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