Friday, 21st, 2025 | 8:49AM Updated

China is also expecting to cooperate with France on civil aviation, space travel, climate change, agriculture and health.
China to Become Word’s Top Generator of Nuclear Power

Simulated sunlight powers a solar cell that converts atmospheric carbon dioxide directly into syngas.
Artificial Leaf Can Turn Carbon Dioxide Into Fuel with Sunlight

A new report has revealed that the rate of global carbon emissions has slowed down.
Glabal Carbon Emissions Slow Down, Report Reveals

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The Shanghai government offers financial incentives to curb air pollution.
Hybrid Grass Efficiently Absorbs Carbon, Could Help Fight Climate Change

The Shanghai government offers financial incentives to curb air pollution.
China to Launch Nationwide Carbon Emission Trading Market in 2017

Apple said it will use energy from its solar power generators in its factories to help reduce greenhouse emissions and offset energy used in its supply chain.
Apple to Invest in Clean Energy in China

China and the U.S. have been intensifying efforts to phase down super polluting hydrofluorocarbons.
In 2017, China to Launch National Emission Trading System

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