Thursday, 20th, 2025 | 7:24PM Updated

Logan will serve as the last Wolverine spin-off starring Hugh Jackaman and Patrick Stewart and directed by James Mangold.
‘Logan’s’ China Box Office Reaches $87.3M on 2nd Week Run

The film
Censor’s Cuts Fail to Stop “Logan” from Topping China’s Box Office

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Netflix Partners With SoftBank For Japan Launch
Regulation Could Slow Down China’s Thriving Online Film Market

Deng Chao  plays a ruthless developer in Stephen Chow's latest comedy 'The Mermaid,' which has become China's biggest film ever.
Stephen Chow’s ‘The Mermaid’ Grossed Higher than ‘Finding Dory’

John Krasinski will delight us all as he narrates in the newest Disneynature film, “Born in China.”
John Krasinski Joins Disneynature’s 'Born in China' as Narrator

Star Stephen Chow Celebrates 'Kung Fu Hustle' Breaking Box Office Record
Box Office Slowdown in China Surprises Hollywood

In China, around 15 theaters are being opened each day.
China's Movie Market Slows After Months of Staggering Growth

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