Monday, 24th, 2025 | 10:30PM Updated

Teachers in China often receive bribes in exchange for giving extra lessons.
Education Authorities Crack Down on Teacher Bribes

Rudolf Steiner founded the first Waldorf School in Germany in 1919.
Waldorf School Espouses Alternative Education for China's Middle Class

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Confucius is the founder of the ethical and philosophical system called Confucianism.
Chinese Students Revive Traditional Chinese Culture

College students are increasingly paying less attention to Marxist values.
More Chinese Fresh Graduates Delay Employment

Countries like the United States, the United Kingdom and Spain are exploring and thinking of adapting Chinese methods of teaching.
Waning Interest in Math Grips Chinese Public

Zhang from southwest China’s Chongqing City and three other high school students were selected from a pool of 37,000 applicants.
Four Chinese Students Gain Admission to Harvard

MO training centers, however popular among the Chinese people, are not recommended to majority of students in the country.
Training Centers Thrive Despite National Education Reforms

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