Monday, 24th, 2025 | 11:03PM Updated

Tencent strengthens its share in the gaming industry with a recent deal with leading Chinese gaming firm Seasun.
Tencent Invests $142 Million in Seasun to Acquire 9.9% Stake

A Shanghai-based mobile game developer has raised 50,000 yuan via crowdfunding in an attempt to sue China's media watchdog over a new approval rule.
China's Media Watchdog Might Get Sued Over New Approval Rule

Due to the number of game fanatics in China, it is said that the country could become the 3rd largest console games market in a year or two.
China May Be the 3rd Biggest Console Games Market in a Year or Two

Microsoft's Xbox One and Sony's PlayStation 4 have only recently been available in China, after a 15-year ban on console gaming was lifted in June.
Videogames Should Be 'Healthy': Ministry of Culture

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