Sunday, 22nd, 2024 | 12:13PM Updated

Authorities have launched a crackdown against dissidents after a letter calling for President Xi Jinping's resignation surfaced online.
China Intensifies Crackdown Over 'Xi Resign' Letter

President Xi has set a record for implementing a large-scale reform in the bureau, which suggests his distrust of the previous leadership.
Global Community Applauds Xi's Speech at V-J Day Commemoration Ceremony

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The Dalai Lama celebrated his 80th birthday on July 6, 2015.
Dalai Lama Accused of Blasphemy at China’s Top Advisory Meeting

A visitor wears a mask outside the Forbidden City due to heavy air pollution.
Key to China’s Pollution Control Lies in the Inner Mongolian Desert

The Communist Party of China's Political Bureau recently met to outline the 13th five-year plan.
Legislation and Advice Distinguish China’s Top Two Political Bodies

China's central bank continues to cut interest rates and reserve ratio.
China’s New Normal Receives Closer Attention from Beijing and PBOC

China's national soccer team has not been faring well, pushing the government to pass the soccer reform plan.
China’s Soccer Reform to Foster President’s World Cup Dreams

In Case You Missed It

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