Sunday, 22nd, 2024 | 5:30AM Updated

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Mechanics check a high-speed train at Xi'an Electric Multiple Unit (EMU) Maintenance Base on January 7, 2014 in Xi An, China.
Chinese Bullet Trains Cross Each Other in Historic First

This year saw hundreds of millions of Chinese relieved in their home-bound trips, thanks to the country's fast expanding high-speed railway network.
High-speed Rail Eases China’s New Year Holiday Transport Strain

Misbehaving tourists can now be banned from the Palace Museum.
Tourist Locations Ready for Golden Week

The Chinese laborers and managers' wide income gap is regarded as a top public concern in an online survey.
Angola Inaugurates Chinese-Built Railway, the Country's Fastest

Construction of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei rail lines is set to commence by the end of 2015.
China Railway Corp. Latest Victim of Falling Global Oil Prices

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