Saturday, 22nd, 2025 | 5:06PM Updated

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Lin Dan was the only high-profile badminton player at the Olympic test event.
Badminton Star Lin Dan Leaves Army to Focus on Endorsements

Chinese tennis superstar Li Na was born and raised in the city of Wuhan.
Li Na Set to Promote Wuhan Open, Play Against International Tennis Stars

Distance running is fast becoming a popular activity in China, as domestic races are attracting an ever-increasing number of competitors.
Marathons a Rising Trend in China

China's Liu Hong breaks the world record in race walking at the 2015 IAAF Race Walking Challenge in La Coruna, Spain.
Chinese Team Hopeful for Beijing World Championships

Dubbed “More Than Ever,” China’s bid highlighted the country’s world-class sports facilities, modern transportation, high-class hotels and strong economy.
China to Host the FIBA 2019 Basketball World Cup

In Case You Missed It

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