Sunday, 22nd, 2024 | 3:26PM Updated

China is not alone in building exascale computers. The United States is also planning to build one, as the U.S. Department of Energy slated it will be operational by 2023.
China Eyes Digital Arms Race with World's First Exascale Supercomputer

Xiaomi has recently unveiled its new MIUI 8 operating system for mobile devices, which allows for two separate user accounts in one phone.
Xiaomi's MIUI 8 OS Lets Users Have Two Accounts in One Phone

The SJ-10 carried with it to space over 6,000 mouse embryos enclosed in a self-sufficient chamber the size of a microwave oven.
Chinese Experiment to Develop Embryos in Space a Success

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Automated translators may be practical and convenient, but human translators can effectively capture the nuances of languages.
Will Automated Translators Make Human Translators Useless?

Experts say that Amazon's expansion will make it a competition to other firms like DHL Worldwide Express and United Parcel Service Inc.
Amazon Starts Major Expansion in China

Known as the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope or FAST, the telescope will become the largest of its kind upon completion.
Scientists Complete Telescope's 30-ton Retina Test

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