Friday, 21st, 2025 | 7:28PM Updated

The cost of a J-10 fighter jet is estimated to be around $40 million, but Iran does not need to spend a single dollar for the deal.
China-Iran Deal May Gain Ire of U.S.

The PLA is boosting its maritime capability by commissioning world-class missile destroyers.
China Conducts More Naval Drills in Disputed Region

The naval exercises are part of China's power projection in the South China Sea region.
Chinese Naval Exercises Continue with Live Fire Drills

The naval exercises are part of China's power projection in the South China Sea region.
Chinese Navy Starts Drills in South China Sea

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U.S. President Barack Obama (L) shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Xi and Obama Discuss Iranian Deal and Upcoming U.S. Visit

According to media reports, 52 executives have left their positions in leading state-owned financial institutions.
Fxiaoke Raises $100 Million from Most Recent Fundraiser

The ACWF has been active in promoting women's empowerment.
ACWF VP Stresses Importance of Women’s Economic Empowerment

Kin Moy has served the U.S. Foreign Service for over 20 years.
U.S. Government Appoints AIT's First Chinese-Descent Director

North American parents find China's adoption program reliable.
Chinese Children Still U.S. Citizens' First Pick for Adoption

U.S. President Barack Obama (L) shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Xi and Obama Once Spoke for 10 Hours, So September Should Be Easy

Semiconductor manufacturer Qualcomm officially launched its next-generation system-on-chip, the Snapdragon 820.
Stop the Qualcomm Outrage, Check the Facts and Figures Instead

In Case You Missed It

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